Function adjustEditorThemeForContrast

Adjusts the current editor theme such that colors have appropriate contrast.

As this method overrides CSS variables using the .style property, assumes all original theme variables are set using CSS and not the .style property.

If the editor changes theme in response to the system theme, this method should be called whenever the system theme changes (e.g. by using the matchMedia method).

import { Editor, adjustEditorThemeForContrast } from 'js-draw';

const editor = new Editor(document.body);

const css = `
  :root .imageEditorContainer {
    --background-color-1: #ffff77;
    --foreground-color-1: #fff;
    --background-color-2: #ffff99;
    --foreground-color-2: #ffff88;
    --background-color-3: #ddffff;
    --foreground-color-3: #eeffff;
    --selection-background-color: #9f7;
    --selection-foreground-color: #98f;

  @media screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    :root .imageEditorContainer {
      --background-color-1: black;


// Because adjustEditorThemeForContrast overrides the current theme, it should be called again
// to allow the editor to switch between light/dark themes.
window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').addEventListener('change', () => {

window.matchMedia('print').addEventListener('change', () => {
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