Class BaseToolAbstract

Hierarchy (view full)


  • InputEventListener



description: string


  • Override this to allow this tool to be enabled in a read-only editor

    Returns boolean

  • Returns a ReactiveValue that updates based on whether this tool is enabled.

    Returns ReactiveValue<boolean>

    const tool = new SomeTool();

    // Watch for changes in enabled status
    tool.enabledValue().onUpdate(enabled => doSomething(enabled));
  • Called when the tool is removed/when the editor is destroyed. Subclasses that override this method must call super.onDestroy().

    Returns void

  • Returns true iff the tool handled the event and thus should receive additional events.


    Returns boolean

  • Returns true iff there are additional pointers down and the tool should remain active to handle the additional events.

    For most purposes, this should return false or nothing.


    Returns boolean | void

  • Parameters

    • mapper: null | InputMapper

    Returns void

  • Connect this tool to a set of other tools, ensuring that at most one of the tools in the group is enabled.


    Returns void

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